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Episodes English

Filtering by Category: Episodes English

EP. 52: Brian Choi-Dea

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is plant based chef from San Francisco, Brian Choi-Dea, AKA BCD!

Brian has a great approach to veganism and cooking, with a super interesting journey too! He and his girlfriend made the switch together after a deep conversation whilst staying out in the woods of California. 

In this conversation we covered:

  • Brian's childhood growing up in San Fran.

  • How a weekend away with his girlfriend and dog, led to a deep conversation about eating animals.

  • Brian's inspiration behind his cooking and presentation.

  • His go to spices for cooking up a delicious meal.

  • Re-creating some of his childhood favorites as a vegan.

  • Changing up the way he makes sneaker purchases after deciding to no longer support the leather industry.

Hope you enjoy the show!

I would highly recommend checking out Brian’s page on Instagram, you can find his innovative vegan creations over at @goodlifecookin.


EP. 51: Katie Bhandara

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is molecular biologist and cellular agriculture expert, Katie Bhandara.

You may have heard the term ‘clean meat’ and wondered what the hell it means! We set out to clear any confusion up in  this episode with Katie. Ana and I both learned a heap and hope you do to!

In this conversation we covered:

  • Katie’s professional and personal background.

  • What is 'clean meat'?

  • How cellular agriculture can help the animals, environment and even our health.

  • How clean meat is grown.

  • The havoc antibiotic resistance will potentially cause and how this may be part of the solution.

  • Other products, aside from meat, that are being made in a lab setting.

Hope you enjoy the show!

If you’d like to learn more about clean meat, I suggest checking out these websites & . There is also a fantastic book available, it’s titled “clean meat” by Paul Shapiro.

It’s certainly a fascinating topic, and one we will be hearing much more about in the near future.


EP. 50: Dr. Milena Esherick

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Psychologist Dr. Milena Esherick. With a doctorate in the psychology of dietary behavior change, Milena is a fantastic resource for those looking to help themselves when it comes to switching to a plant based diet. We all know that old habits are easy to fall back into, and that’s how Milena can help!

Milena’s knowledge is also super helpful for activists. There is much to learn about how we can make our message easily digestible for others, who are not at the same place as us, or who might not posses the same amount of knowledge about the animal agriculture industry.

In this conversation we covered:

  • Growing up in New Mexico on the standard American diet.

  • How a friend introduced Milena to veganism when she least expected it.

  • How we can become better listeners and activists.

  • The Psychology of dietary behavior change.

  • Making vegan food more accessible to the wider culture.

  • + MORE

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Milena on Instagram at @milenaesherick and on LinkedIn at


EP. 49: Kristie Middleton

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Kristie Middleton who is the VP of Business Development at plant based chicken company, Rebellyous Foods.

Kristie also has a long and successful history with The Humane Society of The United States, having worked with them for almost 9 years.

In this conversation we covered:

- Kristie's background and growing up in Virginia.

- How a college lecturer changed her perspective on eating animals.

- Working for PETA and The Humane Society.

- Getting more schools, hospitals and catering halls to adopt plant based options.

- Her new role at Rebellyous Foods

- Kristie's book "MeatLess"

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Kristie online at and also @kristielmiddleton on IG.


EP. 48: James & Dahlia Marin

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are James and Dahlia Marin, registered dietitians from California, who focus on gut health and a plant based lifestyle. 

You can follow them on Instagram at @marriedtohealth.

In this conversation we covered:

- James and Dahlia's struggle with weight and diet as they were growing up.

- How their paths intersect.

- School and the lack of nutrition training.

- The three layers of health: Inner body, outer body and outer environment.

- Federal health guidelines.

- Social media influencers and nutrition.


Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find James and Dahlia online at:



- Instagram: @marriedtohealth


EP. 47: Hannah & Nikki

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Hannah Hagler and Nikki Vranjican from the popular YouTube Channel ‘The Vegan View’. 

They each have their own media channels outside of the joint venture, which includes previous podcast guest, Nisha Balsara (episode 25). Hannah focuses on cruelty free fashion and you can find her @hannahhagler. Nikki, focuses on recipe development and you’ll find her by searching @nikkivegan.

These ladies bring a laid back approach to veganism and here to genuinely help you make more compassionate decisions with food choices and fashion.

In this conversation we covered:

- Nikki's childhood in Florida, growing up with her Norwegian family and the culture clash that came with that.

- Hannah's childhood, growing up in Arkansas and making the move to California in her teens.

- How they both found their way to YouTube.

- Starting 'The Vegan View'

- How our approach is so important when discussing touchy subjects with family, friends and the broader online community. 

- Receiving critical messages online and how to deal with them

+ much more!

Hope you enjoy the show

You can check out these guys at the links below:


EP. 46: Rhiannon Fish

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Rhiannon Fish, she is an Australian actress who has starred on Aussie soap Home & Away and the American post apocalyptic sci-fi series, The 100.

Today we get the chance to dive deep into her life and cover some topics of which she has great passion, including her decision to live a vegan lifestyle.

In this conversation we covered:

- Rhiannon's childhood in Canada and also moving to Australia.

- Her career, starting with a part time role on Neighbours.

- Moving to Los Angeles and the difficulties of starting from scratch.

- Navigating the social media landscape and mental health.

- Sexualizing women in the media and TV/Film

- Going vegan.

- Rhiannon's work speaking up for the LGBTQI community.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Rhiannon online @rhiannonmfish on Instagram.


EP. 45: Alexa Soto

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Alexa Soto, vegan recipe developer and blogger from San Diego, CA.

If you’re looking for some insanely tasty plant based food, Alexa’s blog is a must! You’ll be in the kitchen in a heartbeat. We were super lucky to be welcomed into her home for an awesome conversation and some quality time with her dog Jitsu who sat on the couch throughout the entire conversation. 

In this episode we covered:

- Alexa's childhood in San Diego

- Growing up with a Mexican Father and Mexican/American Mother.

- How the mix of food in her life influences her today.

- Deciding to go plant based and later, her boyfriends decision to also leave animals off his plate.

- Recipe developing and blogging and the tough decision to make it a full time job.

- Her Father being able to get off diabetes medication.

- Rescuing their dog Jitsu.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Alexa online at from there you’ll no doubt find her Instagram and YouTube account too! Happy cooking.


EP. 44: Roy Elam

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Roy Elam, Head Chef and Owner of plant based restaurant Donna Jean.

Their mission is simple. Make great food from the best ingredients (100% vegan).

You'll learn more about where Roy is from and how he got to where he is today. It’s a super inspiring chat, especially for those of you who like to get in the kitchen. Roy and his team are consistently innovating and making plant based cuisine something to take very seriously.

In this conversation we covered:

- Roy's childhood.

- Touring in a band for 5 or 6 years.

- Deciding to switch to a vegan lifestyle.

- Working at Denny's and also leaving Denny's.

- Growing as a chef whilst working with Scott Winegard.

- Naming the restaurant after Roy's late mother.

- Sustainability practices in the kicthen

Hope you enjoy the show!

Here is how you can contact Roy:

@royelam on IG


EP. 43: Alfonso Gomez

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Alfonso Gomez, Sea Shepherd environmental activist and film maker from Mexico City.

Alfonso’s main focus is film and he recently spent time on board ocean conservation vessel Sea Shepherd in Baja California. It is there, his decision to switch to a plant based diet was solidified as he uncovered some horrific practices that are so common around the world.

In this conversation we covered:

- Alfonso's childhood in Mexico City.

- Living in New Zealand at the age of 16.

- Struggling with the idea of choosing a career at the end of high school.

- Starting multiple small business ventures as a way of trying new things.

- Filming a documentary in Chihuahua, Mexico in a bid to reconnect with his home country.

- Life on Sea Shepherd. What they do. How they help our oceans. What they eat on board!

- Statistics regarding plastic in our oceans and how that is linked to the fishing industry. 

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Alfonso online at:


- Instagram @alfonsogomez


EP. 42: Matthew Sipala

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Matthew Sipala from Melbourne, Australia. 

He is the Founder of You4ia Health, a business focused on a health and active lifestyle. 

Matthew was an obese teen, battling the daily lure of the modern food system. Heavily processed, fatty, sugary and packaged food like products.

He tried multiple fad diets and calorie counting, with some results. They continually failed to address Matthew's core problem, food addiction.

Hear how he turned it all around!

In this conversation we covered:

- Matthew's childhood in Melbourne, Australia.

- What a typical day of eating looked like in Primary School.

- Fad Diets such as low carb and shake style diets.

- How calorie counting worked against Matthew.

- The moments which turned Matthew's health and life around.

- His business and podcast.

You can find Matthew @you4iahealth on Instagram and

Hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 41: Ben Brown

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Ben Brown, he is a professional AFL footballer and vegan athlete, from Australia and currently plays for the North Melbourne Football Club.

After being overlooked at 3 separate drafts, Ben was taken with pick 47 in 2013 by the Kangaroos.

Since then he has become a 3 time leading goal scorer and an ambassador for some amazing organizations. He truly understands the position he holds in society and is keen to make the most of his time in the spotlight by consistently speaking up for what he believes in.

In this conversation we covered:

- Ben's childhood growing up in Tasmania.

- Playing footy and wanting to make it at the elite level.

- Overcoming setbacks at 3 drafts to become and AFL player.

- Switching to a vegan diet and insight in to how the NMFC has helped.

- Speaking up for what you believe in and aligning actions with values.

- Becoming a father for the first time.

- Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Ben on Instagram at @bdbrown50


EP. 40: Amanda Walker

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Amanda Walker, the Founder of ‘Lord of The Fries’ and ‘Weirdoughs’, two extremely popular eateries in Australia. Lord of The Fries is a popular fast food chain that is 100% vegan and Weirdoughs is a 100% vegan bakery in Melbourne. Both are absolutely delicious.

In 2004, Amanda and her husband, Mark, began the business from a food truck/trailer, selling fries at events around Melbourne.

The business has now grown to be in 5 states around Australia and also across the ditch in New Zealand. 

In this conversation we covered:

- Amanda's life growing up in Canada.

- Deciding to go vegetarian in high school after doing a project on animal husbandry.

- Moving to Taiwan to teach English.

- Meeting her husband, Mark and moving to Australia.

- Starting Lord Of The Fries from a food trailer.

- Expanding to 5 states around Australia and across to New Zealand.

- Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Amanda on Instagram @omanda and her businesses below:


EP. 39: Talitha Case

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Talitha Case, she is ‘The Plantritionist’, and is passionate about conscious cooking and living.

Talitha is an amazing recipe developer and cook, if you’re looking for some inspiration in the kitchen, I would highly recommend finding her online at and on IG @theplantritionist.

In this conversation we covered:

- Talitha's early days in NSW, Australia.

- How food has always been a big part of her life.

- Moving from Sydney to Melbourne.

- Her two attempts at going vegan.

- Climate change and current Australian Politics.

- Ditching perfectionist the mindset and taking action.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Talitha at and also @theplantritionist on Instagram.

Since our chat, Talitha and her husband Mike (podcast ep. 28) have moved to Sydney, Australia!


EP. 38: The Holt Twins

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are identical twins Robbie and Justin Holt, AKA ‘The Holt Twins’. 

Justin and Robbie grew up in England, sport mad and super competitive. They describe their diet growing up as the British pasta diet. High in carbs to fuel their competitive running.

Fast forward to life after college and Justin told his brother about the documentary Forks Over Knives. What happened next was pretty awesome!

In this conversation we covered:

- Growing up in the UK.

- Life as twins and what it was like living apart for a while.

- Their love for competition.

- Traveling to the USA and starting 2 businesses back in the UK.

- The Ultimate plant based science test.

- Life in Australia.

- And much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find The Holt Twins @theholttwins on IG and at


EP. 37: Adam Guthrie

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is heart attack survivor, ironman and plant based chef Adam Guthrie.

At the age of 39, Adam was out surfing with a good mate in his home town on the NSW coast. After paddling up a big wave, he felt a massive pain shoot through his chest and shoulder. Thinking he had pulled a muscle, Adam went home to rest up.

It was when he got home and had started work that he felt the heart attack for real. Crushing chest pain took over and Adam had to find a way to get to hospital.

What happens after this is truly incredible and you will hear about it in todays conversation.

In this episode we covered:

- Adam's childhood and relationship with farm animals.

- One of the most pivotal moments in Adam's life, his 21st Birthday.

- Going vegetarian.

- Having a heart attack at 39.

- Adopting a Whole Food Plant Based Diet and getting off medication.

- Training for and completing an ironman in 2015.

- His family and moving to Bali with them for 3 years.

+ Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Adam at and also where you can get a free 12 month subscription to their online magazine.


EP. 36: Osher Günsberg

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Osher Günsberg, Australian TV host, podcast maker, best selling author and all round great human!

Osher has been sharing his own personal story and mental health struggles publicly since about 2015. He recently released his memoir ‘Back, After The Break’, he is the host of The Bachelor Australia and runs The Osher Günsberg podcast. 

In this conversation we covered:

- Osher's struggle with anxiety since about 5 years of age.

- His career in the media.

- Alcohol addiction. 

- Moving to Los Angeles to start a radio show for Australia.

- Meeting his wife Audrey, and the impact she's had on his life.

- Briefly, being a vegetarian since 2002 and now a vegan.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Osher on Instagram at @osher_gunsberg. He also has a brilliant podcast, ‘Better Than Yesterday, with Osher Günsberg’.


EP. 35: Matt Cama

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Matt Cama, Australian business and life coach who is currently living his dream life in Bali.

Matt opens up on struggles he has had throughout life such as weight loss and his relationship with money.

In this conversation we also cover:

- Matt's childhood and how he decided to vegan.

- weight loss

- How to ask the universe what you want in life.

- Starting an online coaching business and moving to Bali from Australia.

- Time spent on social media and electronic devices.

- Incorporating meditation and breath work into his life to deal with past trauma.

And much more!

You can find Matt on Instagram @matt_cama and

Hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 34: Patricia & Miguel

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Patricia and Miguel from ‘Free Over Sea’. 

We reached out to these guys in Bali, and they were super excited to hang out and do a podcast, it was their first time being interviewed and sharing their mission on a platform other then their own. So a big thanks to them for giving up the time, grateful for the opportunity to share their journey thus far. 

Patricia and Miguel have an amazing story and in this conversation we cover:

- How they met, reconnected after some time away from each other and how they got to where they are today.

- Experiencing bad health, new countries and frustrating jobs together.

- Packing everything up and leaving Portugal.

- Patricia’s background in reiki.

- Their mission.

- The environmental destruction they have seen whilst on their travels.

- How to be more conscious travelers and people in general.

You can find them on instagram at @freeoversea and also online at They are also now producing some incredible video footage on their YouTube channel, so be sure to go and check it out!


EP. 33: Ana & Matt (your VedgeTalk hosts!)

Ana Alarcon

This week is a little bit different! You will be hearing from the creators of The VedgeTalk Podcast, Ana Alarcon and Matthew Davey. 

In a very relaxed format, Ana and Matt cover the following:

- Why they decided to leave Boston and take the podcast on the road.

- How they afforded the travels.

- What it's like traveling as a couple

- How it's been as vegans through the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia and The Philippines.

- Ways you can support the show

- What's next!

Hope you enjoy the show.

You can find us on Instagram @vedgetalk & @vedgetalkespanol, we are also on Facebook and YouTube.