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Episodes English

Filtering by Category: Episodes English

EP. 73: Stephanie Erev

Ana Alarcon

On episode 73 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Stephanie Erev from Portland State University.

In this conversation we covered:

- Steph's research background.

- Climate change tipping points.

- Conceptualizing the dangers of climate change.

- Taking action.

- Our ability to address more than one social justice movement at a time. They are connected.

- The role of electoral politics and climate change.

- Diet and climate.


Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 72: OG TALK NYC (The Organic Grill)

Ana Alarcon

On episode 72 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Vladimir Grinberg, Eddie Brill and Rik Cannon from OG Talk NYC.

In this conversation we covered:

- Eddie's time on the late show with David Letterman.

- Vlad's journey to the USA.

- Starting The Organic Grill in the East Village.

- Switching to a fully vegan menu.

- Rik's background and crossing paths with Eddie.

- What the OG Talk podcast is all about.

- Favorite guests and dream guests for their show.


Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 71: Seth Tibbott

Ana Alarcon

On episode 71 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Seth Tibbott from Tofurky.

In this conversation we covered:

- Seth's upbringing and college days.

- The catalyst for going vegetarian in the 1970's.

- 'The Farm' in Tennessee.

- Making his first batch of Tempeh.

- The first 15 years before the Tofurky moment.

- Creating the first Tofurky Roast.

- The new factory in Hood River, OR.


Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 70: Monica Schrock

Ana Alarcon

On episode 70 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Monica Schrock from Unsocially Inclined.

In this conversation we covered:

- Monica's childhood in Oakland, CA.

- Moving to Dallas, TX with her family.

- College & vegan dining halls.

- Fine tuning the vegan elevator pitch!

- Toxins in our daily lives.

- Working for PETA. -

Moving to the PNW from Los Angeles.


Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 69: Taryn Rasgon

Ana Alarcon

On episode 69 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Taryn Rasgon from vegan t-shirt company, Vegetaryn.

In this conversation we covered:

- Adopting Penny The Pig!

- Taryn’s life growing up in LA.

- How studying in Barcelona opened her eyes to a new way of eating.

- Getting rid of asthma and skin issues.

- Starting ‘Vegetaryn’

- Women as leaders in the business world.

- The imortance of community.


Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 68: Jasmine & Chris

Ana Alarcon

On episode 68 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Jasmine Briones and Chris Petrellese from Sweet Simple Vegan!

In this conversation we covered:

- Jasmine's background and growing up in LA.

- Her struggles with an eating disorder and how going vegan saved her life.

- How punk music was Chris' catalyst for ditching meat.

- The story of Chris and Jasmine's first time meeting in person.

- Chris' move from New Jersey to Los Angeles.

- Working together whilst being in a relationship.

+ More!

Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 66: Rutilio Medina

Ana Alarcon

On episode 66 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Rutilio Medina, from Rudy's Pizza PDX in Portland, Oregon.

In this conversation we covered:

- What it took Rudy and his family to start the business.

- The early challenges.

- Finding their niche.

- What it was like to be an early adopter of vegan food in Portland.

- Should other restaurants add vegan menus?

- The future of Rudy's!

Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 65: Ilene Godofsky Moreno

Ana Alarcon

On episode 65 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Ilene Godofsky-Moreno, from @thecolorfulkitchen.

In this conversation we covered:

- Ilene’s background, what was on her family table.

- Personal health problems, related to dairy consumption.

- Getting kids excited about a diverse range of healthy and colorful foods.

- Tips for a family who are deciding to switch.

- The birthday party dilemma.

- Ilene’s cookbooks.

- Eating seasonal food and getting in the garden.


You can find Ilene on Instagram at @thecolorfulkitchen and also at

Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 64: Jayce Carter

Ana Alarcon

On episode 64 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Jayce Carter, former white supremacist, now activist for the anti racism and anti fascist movements.

We're taking a deep dive into Jayce's life, in this conversation we covered:

- Jayce's time in his early teens, hitch hiking and traveling the west coast on freight trains.

- His early experiences getting in trouble with the police.

- Being a part of the white supremacist movement.

- How time in solitary confinement changed his beliefs.

- Being an activist from within prison.

- Working at a slaughterhouse.

- Meeting his girlfriend Maeva and choosing to go vegan.


You can find Jayce on IG @citizenzero541, go and say hi, let him know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

EP. 63: Phil Armand

Ana Alarcon

In Episode 63 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Phil Armand, a man who grew up vegan, in a Seventh Day Adventist family and community.

In this conversation you'll hear:

- About Phil's background

- Life growing up as a vegan in Florida

- Going to college and changing his diet and lifestyle

- Sustaining this new diet and lifestyle until now

- Recent blood results

- Switching back to a plant based diet

I hope you enjoy the show! We're really looking forward to catching up with Phil again in February of 2020 to see how his blood results are, after eating a whole foods plant based diet for 3 months.

You can find us at and on both YouTube and Facebook.

EP. 62: Seyka Mejeur

Ana Alarcon

On episode 62 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Seyka Mejeur, from

We're chatting all things vegan travel today, also Seyka's personal journey to veganism and helping restaurants add more plant based food to their menus.

In this conversation we covered:

- Seyka's life growing up, with ribs and steak as her favorite foods.

- Experiencing a serious eating disorder.

- Why Seyka and her husband Brian decided to travel the world.

- The hardest places to eat vegan.

- The best places they found for vegan food.

- Chiang Mai and The Elephant Nature Park!


You can find Seyka on IG @forgoodnessseyks, go and say hi, let her know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

EP. 61: Andy "Noa" De La Rosa

Ana Alarcon

On episode 61 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Andy 'Noa' De La Rosa, from the viral video "I AM NOT VEGAN".

It was so great to connect with Andy in The Bronx in my last few hours before leaving NYC. I'm truly grateful for the time he gave up and for sharing his story with us.

In this conversation we covered:

- Andy's life growing up in The Bronx, NYC.

- Doing anything he could to skips Mom's home cooked meals to eat out.

- Going through depression and lack of fulfillment in his life.

- Finding Dr. Sebi through a hip hop website.

- Making the video "I AM NOT VEGAN" with his friend and comedian Radel Ortiz.

- Poetry and rapping being a big part of his life and how it all started.


You can find Andy on IG, go and say hi, let him know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

EP. 60: Andrea Brown

Ana Alarcon

On episode 60 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Andrea Brown, from @eatwithandy in Williamsburg, NY.

It was great to catch up with an Aussie in the Big Apple. We had an awesome conversation and I hope you enjoy tuning in!

In this conversation we covered:

- Andrea's life growing up in Western Australia.

- Experiencing health problems in her 20's.

- How the book 'Skinny Bitch' changed her life.

- Climate change, the government and making personal changes to make a positive impact.

- Contraceptive medication.

- Mental Health.


You can find Andrea on IG @eatwithandy, go and say hi, let her know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

In this episode I mentioned a book called ‘Lost Connections’ by Johann Hari. You can find it here.

EP. 59: Colin Huggins

Ana Alarcon

On episode 59 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Colin Huggins, famously known as the pianist in Washington Square Park, NYC.

Today we take the conversation down a different route, bring a glass of water. You'll see!

In this conversation we covered:

- A water drinking experiment.

- Human behavior change.

- The gut and how little we know about it.

- Habits we are comfortable with yet no longer serve us.

- Colin's experience with veganism.


You can find Colin on IG @howdidyougetthepianohere and also online at


EP. 58: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon

On episode 58 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Carlos Bobadilla, from @Bobo_Cooks in Washington Heights, New York.

This is his second time on the show after appearing in episode 2, way back in July of 2018. I'd highly recommend learning more about Carlos before jumping in to this one, where we concentrate on what he's been up to in 2019.

In this conversation we covered:

- Carlos’ experience water fasting in Ecuador.

- Why he started cooking workshops in 2019.

- Hosting a vegan BBQ in his neighborhood.

- Some tips on eating plant based, CHEAP.

- Starting a YouTube cooking show.


You can find Carlos on IG @Bobo_Cooks and also online at where you'll find his book + more helpful resources.


EP. 57: Berto Calkins

Ana Alarcon

On episode 57 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Berto Calkins, from @whatsgoodberto in Williamsburg, New York.

In this conversation we covered:

- Berto's life growing up in the projects of New York City.

- His first vegan experience.

- The importance of minorities being represented in the vegan and wider culture.

- Growth in relationships.

- Having a daughter at 19 years of age.

- Social media and mental health.

Berto also has merchandise available in his online shop + a fantastic YouTube channel.

Hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 56: Dr. Benjamin Alter

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks episode of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with naturopathic doctor, Dr. Benjamin Alter for a fascinating chat on the power of the mind and our thoughts and the role they have on human health.

In this episode we cover:

- How Benjamin became interested in medicine.

- Connecting to our own wisdom.

- Being our own healer.

- Breath work and meditation.

- Living in the present moment and theimportance of gratitude.

- How to understand what our thoughts are.


You can find Dr. Benjamin on Instagram @drbenjaminalter and also online at

I hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 55: Damien Clarkson

Ana Alarcon

On episode 55 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Damien Clarkson, the co-founder of Vevolution, the UK events company creating a storm of positive change.

You can follow them on Instagram at @vevolution_

In this conversation we covered:

- Damien's background, prior to starting Vevolution.

- Climate Change and how it is perceived differently across the globe.

- How Damien met wife and Co-Founder, Judy.

- How to separate your relationship and business.

- Vevolution Festival 2019 + other events they have hosted.

- When to start a vegan business (HINT: now is the time)

Hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 54: Michelle Cehn

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Michelle Cehn from World of vegan (

It’s likely that you already follow Michelle’s account on Instagram, if not, please go and check out her pages @vegan & @worldofvegan! The account is full of delicious food and artwork that will pull on your heart strings. With over 1 million followers, Michelle’s work is reaching people around the entire world and helping many to change their lives through a shift in diet. 

We take a deep dive into Michelle’s life, so you’ll hear some of her most personal experiences and also gain some insight into what it takes to create a media platform and make it work full time. 

In this conversation we covered:

  • Michelle's childhood in Oakland.

  • Deciding to go vegetarian at the age of 8.

  • The marketing used by animal agriculture.

  • Starting YouTube over 10 years ago.

  • The Challenges of working for yourself and insight into Michelle's personal journey. 

  • The dangers of a perfectionist mindset and how it is harmful to the vegan movement as a whole.

  • Vegan weddings.

  • Meeting her biological Mother and Father for the first time.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Michelle on multiple platforms, she is after all, the Queen of vegan media!


EP. 53: Toni Okamoto

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is the amazing Toni Okamoto from 

Toni is a business owner, author, podcast host, extremely nice human and one of the most helpful resources in the world for plant based food. 

We really enjoyed hanging out with Toni and her business partner Michelle Cehn, who you’ll be hearing from in episode 54. Thank you to both of them for giving up their time, their hospitality and an all round great day!

In this conversation we covered:

  • Toni’s childhood in Sacramento.

  • Growing up in a Japanese/Mexican household.

  • How running track in high school began to change her eating habits.

  • Going vegan and the culture clash that choice had with family members.

  • Starting plant based on a budget as her form of activism.

  • Juggling her relationship with husband Paul and an extremely busy travel schedule.

    + Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!
