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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: neighbours

EP. 46: Rhiannon Fish

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Rhiannon Fish, she is an Australian actress who has starred on Aussie soap Home & Away and the American post apocalyptic sci-fi series, The 100.

Today we get the chance to dive deep into her life and cover some topics of which she has great passion, including her decision to live a vegan lifestyle.

In this conversation we covered:

- Rhiannon's childhood in Canada and also moving to Australia.

- Her career, starting with a part time role on Neighbours.

- Moving to Los Angeles and the difficulties of starting from scratch.

- Navigating the social media landscape and mental health.

- Sexualizing women in the media and TV/Film

- Going vegan.

- Rhiannon's work speaking up for the LGBTQI community.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Rhiannon online @rhiannonmfish on Instagram.