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EP. 36: Osher Günsberg

Episodes English

EP. 36: Osher Günsberg

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Osher Günsberg, Australian TV host, podcast maker, best selling author and all round great human!

Osher has been sharing his own personal story and mental health struggles publicly since about 2015. He recently released his memoir ‘Back, After The Break’, he is the host of The Bachelor Australia and runs The Osher Günsberg podcast. 

In this conversation we covered:

- Osher's struggle with anxiety since about 5 years of age.

- His career in the media.

- Alcohol addiction. 

- Moving to Los Angeles to start a radio show for Australia.

- Meeting his wife Audrey, and the impact she's had on his life.

- Briefly, being a vegetarian since 2002 and now a vegan.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Osher on Instagram at @osher_gunsberg. He also has a brilliant podcast, ‘Better Than Yesterday, with Osher Günsberg’.
