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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: habits

EP. 50: Dr. Milena Esherick

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Psychologist Dr. Milena Esherick. With a doctorate in the psychology of dietary behavior change, Milena is a fantastic resource for those looking to help themselves when it comes to switching to a plant based diet. We all know that old habits are easy to fall back into, and that’s how Milena can help!

Milena’s knowledge is also super helpful for activists. There is much to learn about how we can make our message easily digestible for others, who are not at the same place as us, or who might not posses the same amount of knowledge about the animal agriculture industry.

In this conversation we covered:

  • Growing up in New Mexico on the standard American diet.

  • How a friend introduced Milena to veganism when she least expected it.

  • How we can become better listeners and activists.

  • The Psychology of dietary behavior change.

  • Making vegan food more accessible to the wider culture.

  • + MORE

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Milena on Instagram at @milenaesherick and on LinkedIn at
