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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: veganathlete

EP. 41: Ben Brown

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Ben Brown, he is a professional AFL footballer and vegan athlete, from Australia and currently plays for the North Melbourne Football Club.

After being overlooked at 3 separate drafts, Ben was taken with pick 47 in 2013 by the Kangaroos.

Since then he has become a 3 time leading goal scorer and an ambassador for some amazing organizations. He truly understands the position he holds in society and is keen to make the most of his time in the spotlight by consistently speaking up for what he believes in.

In this conversation we covered:

- Ben's childhood growing up in Tasmania.

- Playing footy and wanting to make it at the elite level.

- Overcoming setbacks at 3 drafts to become and AFL player.

- Switching to a vegan diet and insight in to how the NMFC has helped.

- Speaking up for what you believe in and aligning actions with values.

- Becoming a father for the first time.

- Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Ben on Instagram at @bdbrown50


EP. 15: Susie Coston

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Susie Coston, National Shelter Director at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, NY.

Susie runs the show at Farm Sanctuary in upstate New York and my word, the dedication to animals and hard work we saw from the team was a great sight to see. 

With the number of farmed animals being so astronomically huge, visiting a place that’s a safe haven for animals, where they are called by name and treated like family was a very cool experience for us. Susie has been at farm sanctuary for 18 years and has seen the place grow and also to other locations around the country. 

In this episode we cover:

- Susie’s background.

- Her decision to go vegan.

- How Farm Sanctuary has changed over the past (nearly) two decades.

- Amazing stories about the lives of saved animals that will bring a tear to your eye.

+ Much more!

I hope you enjoy this episode. Susie is an incredible human being, Ana and I are so thankful to her for taking the time out of her busy schedule to record this podcast and also show us around the farm, to meet a heap of amazing animals.

You can find Susie on Instagram @susiecoston. If you’d like to check out Farm Sanctuary online, go to @farmsanctuary on Instagram and also


EP. 8: Garrett Kenyon

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is professional distance runner Garrett Kenyon.

He's a fantastic dude and we dig much deeper than just his running career to date.

We speak about his balance of Music, athletics and academics at University in Omaha, Nebraska.

Struggles with his college when adopting a whole foods plant based diet.

Activism on campus and continuing that on his travels.

Living in line with his values and also living minimally.

Hope you enjoy it guys, see you on the other side!
