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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: vedgetalk

EP. 64: Jayce Carter

Ana Alarcon

On episode 64 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Jayce Carter, former white supremacist, now activist for the anti racism and anti fascist movements.

We're taking a deep dive into Jayce's life, in this conversation we covered:

- Jayce's time in his early teens, hitch hiking and traveling the west coast on freight trains.

- His early experiences getting in trouble with the police.

- Being a part of the white supremacist movement.

- How time in solitary confinement changed his beliefs.

- Being an activist from within prison.

- Working at a slaughterhouse.

- Meeting his girlfriend Maeva and choosing to go vegan.


You can find Jayce on IG @citizenzero541, go and say hi, let him know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

EP. 57: Berto Calkins

Ana Alarcon

On episode 57 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Berto Calkins, from @whatsgoodberto in Williamsburg, New York.

In this conversation we covered:

- Berto's life growing up in the projects of New York City.

- His first vegan experience.

- The importance of minorities being represented in the vegan and wider culture.

- Growth in relationships.

- Having a daughter at 19 years of age.

- Social media and mental health.

Berto also has merchandise available in his online shop + a fantastic YouTube channel.

Hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 33: Ana & Matt (your VedgeTalk hosts!)

Ana Alarcon

This week is a little bit different! You will be hearing from the creators of The VedgeTalk Podcast, Ana Alarcon and Matthew Davey. 

In a very relaxed format, Ana and Matt cover the following:

- Why they decided to leave Boston and take the podcast on the road.

- How they afforded the travels.

- What it's like traveling as a couple

- How it's been as vegans through the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia and The Philippines.

- Ways you can support the show

- What's next!

Hope you enjoy the show.

You can find us on Instagram @vedgetalk & @vedgetalkespanol, we are also on Facebook and YouTube.