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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: UK

EP. 38: The Holt Twins

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are identical twins Robbie and Justin Holt, AKA ‘The Holt Twins’. 

Justin and Robbie grew up in England, sport mad and super competitive. They describe their diet growing up as the British pasta diet. High in carbs to fuel their competitive running.

Fast forward to life after college and Justin told his brother about the documentary Forks Over Knives. What happened next was pretty awesome!

In this conversation we covered:

- Growing up in the UK.

- Life as twins and what it was like living apart for a while.

- Their love for competition.

- Traveling to the USA and starting 2 businesses back in the UK.

- The Ultimate plant based science test.

- Life in Australia.

- And much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find The Holt Twins @theholttwins on IG and at


EP. 4: Max La Manna

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks episode, I will be speaking with Zero waste vegan chef, Max La Manna.

We discuss Max's life growing up in Connecticut, the reason for his switch to plant based living and also what it's like to produce zero waste in New York City and how we can all adopt simple daily habits to produce less waste.

Max is currently in London and will be traveling through Europe in the coming months, so be sure to follow him AT eating with max on instagram, facebook and his website.

Hope you enjoy the episode!