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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: veganfoodshare

EP. 52: Brian Choi-Dea

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is plant based chef from San Francisco, Brian Choi-Dea, AKA BCD!

Brian has a great approach to veganism and cooking, with a super interesting journey too! He and his girlfriend made the switch together after a deep conversation whilst staying out in the woods of California. 

In this conversation we covered:

  • Brian's childhood growing up in San Fran.

  • How a weekend away with his girlfriend and dog, led to a deep conversation about eating animals.

  • Brian's inspiration behind his cooking and presentation.

  • His go to spices for cooking up a delicious meal.

  • Re-creating some of his childhood favorites as a vegan.

  • Changing up the way he makes sneaker purchases after deciding to no longer support the leather industry.

Hope you enjoy the show!

I would highly recommend checking out Brian’s page on Instagram, you can find his innovative vegan creations over at @goodlifecookin.


EP. 25: Nisha Balsara

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Nisha Balsara. Actress, YouTuber and incredible human from Los Angeles, CA.

We recorded this one on the floor of her new apartment in LA, as we caught her on moving day!

Nisha sets a fantastic example for women of color and people in general. She’s goes about veganism in a light, approachable way, but don’t confuse this with lack of dedication. She is an incredible voice for the plant based diet and what it can do for health, the animals and the planet.

In this episode we cover:

- Growing up in Texas, with parents from Canada and India.

- Experiencing acting set backs at a young age.

- What it’s like to have a serious health problem.

- Relationships with non-vegans.

- The important of diversity in the entertainment industry.

+ More!

Nisha has an amazing personal story and I am so happy to be sharing it with you today, hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Nisha on Instagram at @nishabalsara and also YouTube. She has her own channel, ‘Nisha Balsara’ and is also a part of ‘The Vegan View’.


EP. 19: Caitlin Shoemaker

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Caitlin Shoemaker, the creator of From My Bowl, an amazing online resource for delicious vegan recipes.

We recorded with Caitlin whilst traveling through Portland, Oregon, where she has recently moved after spending time in Miami for her graduate degree, which she left to pursue online work full time!

Caitlin is an extremely hard working and dedicated young woman, who focuses on giving people easy recipes to follow, that are delicious and vegan. 

In this episode we cover:

- Her life growing up on the East Coast of the United States.

- Deciding to choose a vegan lifestyle.

- Moving to Miami for graduate school.

- Starting From My Bowl.

- The journey, from posting her morning oatmeal to starting a business.

- Making the big decision to quit school and focus on her blog and YouTube.

- Her 5 favorite spices (AKA the spice girls)

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show today, I think this is a great one for any body looking to turn their passion into a business.

You can find Caitlin on Instagram @frommybowl and her blog at On Caitlin’s website you will find links to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube!