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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: mexico

EP. 43: Alfonso Gomez

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Alfonso Gomez, Sea Shepherd environmental activist and film maker from Mexico City.

Alfonso’s main focus is film and he recently spent time on board ocean conservation vessel Sea Shepherd in Baja California. It is there, his decision to switch to a plant based diet was solidified as he uncovered some horrific practices that are so common around the world.

In this conversation we covered:

- Alfonso's childhood in Mexico City.

- Living in New Zealand at the age of 16.

- Struggling with the idea of choosing a career at the end of high school.

- Starting multiple small business ventures as a way of trying new things.

- Filming a documentary in Chihuahua, Mexico in a bid to reconnect with his home country.

- Life on Sea Shepherd. What they do. How they help our oceans. What they eat on board!

- Statistics regarding plastic in our oceans and how that is linked to the fishing industry. 

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Alfonso online at:


- Instagram @alfonsogomez


EP. 26: The OM Twiins

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Eileen and Gillian AKA The OM Twiins. 

Eileen and Gilian are full of energy and are doing amazing work in their local community and also with their online guides, reaching people around the world.

In this episode we cover:

- What it was like growing up in Mexico

- The comparisons they constantly received as twins.

- Not going vegan at the same time.

- Experiencing the body building scene as vegans.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the episode.

I encourage you to find them on Instagram @om_twiins and their website, they’re a wealth of knowledge for people looking to get strong and healthy on a plant based diet. 

Lastly I am dedicating this episode to Eileens rescue dog, Shila, who we met during this recording. She sadly passed away due to complications giving birth.
