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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: travel

EP. 34: Patricia & Miguel

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Patricia and Miguel from ‘Free Over Sea’. 

We reached out to these guys in Bali, and they were super excited to hang out and do a podcast, it was their first time being interviewed and sharing their mission on a platform other then their own. So a big thanks to them for giving up the time, grateful for the opportunity to share their journey thus far. 

Patricia and Miguel have an amazing story and in this conversation we cover:

- How they met, reconnected after some time away from each other and how they got to where they are today.

- Experiencing bad health, new countries and frustrating jobs together.

- Packing everything up and leaving Portugal.

- Patricia’s background in reiki.

- Their mission.

- The environmental destruction they have seen whilst on their travels.

- How to be more conscious travelers and people in general.

You can find them on instagram at @freeoversea and also online at They are also now producing some incredible video footage on their YouTube channel, so be sure to go and check it out!


EP. 33: Ana & Matt (your VedgeTalk hosts!)

Ana Alarcon

This week is a little bit different! You will be hearing from the creators of The VedgeTalk Podcast, Ana Alarcon and Matthew Davey. 

In a very relaxed format, Ana and Matt cover the following:

- Why they decided to leave Boston and take the podcast on the road.

- How they afforded the travels.

- What it's like traveling as a couple

- How it's been as vegans through the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia and The Philippines.

- Ways you can support the show

- What's next!

Hope you enjoy the show.

You can find us on Instagram @vedgetalk & @vedgetalkespanol, we are also on Facebook and YouTube.

EP. 3: Ana Alarcon

Ana Alarcon

Hello my veggie mates!

On this weeks episode, we sit down with my incredible partner in crime, Ana Alarcon.

She shares her life story with us and we discuss the important topics of female body image and eating disorders.

Later in the episode we hear about some of Ana's most difficult struggles.

Life has not been easy for her in the past few years, and these stories are ones she rarely shares.

This conversation in one very close to my heart and I hope you enjoy it.