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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: healthyliving

EP. 42: Matthew Sipala

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Matthew Sipala from Melbourne, Australia. 

He is the Founder of You4ia Health, a business focused on a health and active lifestyle. 

Matthew was an obese teen, battling the daily lure of the modern food system. Heavily processed, fatty, sugary and packaged food like products.

He tried multiple fad diets and calorie counting, with some results. They continually failed to address Matthew's core problem, food addiction.

Hear how he turned it all around!

In this conversation we covered:

- Matthew's childhood in Melbourne, Australia.

- What a typical day of eating looked like in Primary School.

- Fad Diets such as low carb and shake style diets.

- How calorie counting worked against Matthew.

- The moments which turned Matthew's health and life around.

- His business and podcast.

You can find Matthew @you4iahealth on Instagram and

Hope you enjoy the show!