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Filtering by Tag: sanfrancisco

EP. 52: Brian Choi-Dea

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is plant based chef from San Francisco, Brian Choi-Dea, AKA BCD!

Brian has a great approach to veganism and cooking, with a super interesting journey too! He and his girlfriend made the switch together after a deep conversation whilst staying out in the woods of California. 

In this conversation we covered:

  • Brian's childhood growing up in San Fran.

  • How a weekend away with his girlfriend and dog, led to a deep conversation about eating animals.

  • Brian's inspiration behind his cooking and presentation.

  • His go to spices for cooking up a delicious meal.

  • Re-creating some of his childhood favorites as a vegan.

  • Changing up the way he makes sneaker purchases after deciding to no longer support the leather industry.

Hope you enjoy the show!

I would highly recommend checking out Brian’s page on Instagram, you can find his innovative vegan creations over at @goodlifecookin.


EP. 49: Kristie Middleton

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Kristie Middleton who is the VP of Business Development at plant based chicken company, Rebellyous Foods.

Kristie also has a long and successful history with The Humane Society of The United States, having worked with them for almost 9 years.

In this conversation we covered:

- Kristie's background and growing up in Virginia.

- How a college lecturer changed her perspective on eating animals.

- Working for PETA and The Humane Society.

- Getting more schools, hospitals and catering halls to adopt plant based options.

- Her new role at Rebellyous Foods

- Kristie's book "MeatLess"

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Kristie online at and also @kristielmiddleton on IG.
