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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: business

EP. 35: Matt Cama

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Matt Cama, Australian business and life coach who is currently living his dream life in Bali.

Matt opens up on struggles he has had throughout life such as weight loss and his relationship with money.

In this conversation we also cover:

- Matt's childhood and how he decided to vegan.

- weight loss

- How to ask the universe what you want in life.

- Starting an online coaching business and moving to Bali from Australia.

- Time spent on social media and electronic devices.

- Incorporating meditation and breath work into his life to deal with past trauma.

And much more!

You can find Matt on Instagram @matt_cama and

Hope you enjoy the show!


EP. 32: Lauren & Corryn

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are founders of The Kynd Community in Bali, Lauren and Corryn. 

These two have both had amazing journeys from their home towns on the coast of New South Wales, Australia to Bali, Indonesia.

Lauren having lived and breathed hospitality through her life, this always made sense but for Corryn, it was holiday, gifted to her for graduation by her parents that guided her in this direction.

In this conversation we covered:

- Both Lauren and Corryn's upbringings.

- Why Lauren decided to go vegan.

- How Corryn decided not to pursue a career in the corporate world.

- The beginning and growth of Kynd Cafe in Seminyak.

- Pushing through self doubt and fear.

- Opening a completely not for profit cafe, called Give, in Canggu.

+ much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Lauren and Corryn on Instagram @kyndcommunity & @givecafe, they also have a great site with some great clothing available!


EP. 2: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon

EP. 1: Pat McAuley

Ana Alarcon

On this week's episode of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we'll be hanging out with Pat McAuley. Pat is an entrepreneur from the South Shore of Massachusetts and is about to open the first plant based beer hall in the USA. We talk about Pat's journey and how a change in his diet has become his secret weapon.