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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: fastfood

EP. 40: Amanda Walker

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Amanda Walker, the Founder of ‘Lord of The Fries’ and ‘Weirdoughs’, two extremely popular eateries in Australia. Lord of The Fries is a popular fast food chain that is 100% vegan and Weirdoughs is a 100% vegan bakery in Melbourne. Both are absolutely delicious.

In 2004, Amanda and her husband, Mark, began the business from a food truck/trailer, selling fries at events around Melbourne.

The business has now grown to be in 5 states around Australia and also across the ditch in New Zealand. 

In this conversation we covered:

- Amanda's life growing up in Canada.

- Deciding to go vegetarian in high school after doing a project on animal husbandry.

- Moving to Taiwan to teach English.

- Meeting her husband, Mark and moving to Australia.

- Starting Lord Of The Fries from a food trailer.

- Expanding to 5 states around Australia and across to New Zealand.

- Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Amanda on Instagram @omanda and her businesses below: