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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: nikkivegan

EP. 47: Hannah & Nikki

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Hannah Hagler and Nikki Vranjican from the popular YouTube Channel ‘The Vegan View’. 

They each have their own media channels outside of the joint venture, which includes previous podcast guest, Nisha Balsara (episode 25). Hannah focuses on cruelty free fashion and you can find her @hannahhagler. Nikki, focuses on recipe development and you’ll find her by searching @nikkivegan.

These ladies bring a laid back approach to veganism and here to genuinely help you make more compassionate decisions with food choices and fashion.

In this conversation we covered:

- Nikki's childhood in Florida, growing up with her Norwegian family and the culture clash that came with that.

- Hannah's childhood, growing up in Arkansas and making the move to California in her teens.

- How they both found their way to YouTube.

- Starting 'The Vegan View'

- How our approach is so important when discussing touchy subjects with family, friends and the broader online community. 

- Receiving critical messages online and how to deal with them

+ much more!

Hope you enjoy the show

You can check out these guys at the links below: