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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: vegan podcast

EP. 60: Andrea Brown

Ana Alarcon

On episode 60 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Andrea Brown, from @eatwithandy in Williamsburg, NY.

It was great to catch up with an Aussie in the Big Apple. We had an awesome conversation and I hope you enjoy tuning in!

In this conversation we covered:

- Andrea's life growing up in Western Australia.

- Experiencing health problems in her 20's.

- How the book 'Skinny Bitch' changed her life.

- Climate change, the government and making personal changes to make a positive impact.

- Contraceptive medication.

- Mental Health.


You can find Andrea on IG @eatwithandy, go and say hi, let her know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

In this episode I mentioned a book called ‘Lost Connections’ by Johann Hari. You can find it here.

EP. 59: Colin Huggins

Ana Alarcon

On episode 59 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Colin Huggins, famously known as the pianist in Washington Square Park, NYC.

Today we take the conversation down a different route, bring a glass of water. You'll see!

In this conversation we covered:

- A water drinking experiment.

- Human behavior change.

- The gut and how little we know about it.

- Habits we are comfortable with yet no longer serve us.

- Colin's experience with veganism.


You can find Colin on IG @howdidyougetthepianohere and also online at


EP. 58: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon

On episode 58 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Carlos Bobadilla, from @Bobo_Cooks in Washington Heights, New York.

This is his second time on the show after appearing in episode 2, way back in July of 2018. I'd highly recommend learning more about Carlos before jumping in to this one, where we concentrate on what he's been up to in 2019.

In this conversation we covered:

- Carlos’ experience water fasting in Ecuador.

- Why he started cooking workshops in 2019.

- Hosting a vegan BBQ in his neighborhood.

- Some tips on eating plant based, CHEAP.

- Starting a YouTube cooking show.


You can find Carlos on IG @Bobo_Cooks and also online at where you'll find his book + more helpful resources.