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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: plantbasedonabudget

EP. 53: Toni Okamoto

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is the amazing Toni Okamoto from 

Toni is a business owner, author, podcast host, extremely nice human and one of the most helpful resources in the world for plant based food. 

We really enjoyed hanging out with Toni and her business partner Michelle Cehn, who you’ll be hearing from in episode 54. Thank you to both of them for giving up their time, their hospitality and an all round great day!

In this conversation we covered:

  • Toni’s childhood in Sacramento.

  • Growing up in a Japanese/Mexican household.

  • How running track in high school began to change her eating habits.

  • Going vegan and the culture clash that choice had with family members.

  • Starting plant based on a budget as her form of activism.

  • Juggling her relationship with husband Paul and an extremely busy travel schedule.

    + Much more!

Hope you enjoy the show!
