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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: New York

EP. 58: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon

On episode 58 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Carlos Bobadilla, from @Bobo_Cooks in Washington Heights, New York.

This is his second time on the show after appearing in episode 2, way back in July of 2018. I'd highly recommend learning more about Carlos before jumping in to this one, where we concentrate on what he's been up to in 2019.

In this conversation we covered:

- Carlos’ experience water fasting in Ecuador.

- Why he started cooking workshops in 2019.

- Hosting a vegan BBQ in his neighborhood.

- Some tips on eating plant based, CHEAP.

- Starting a YouTube cooking show.


You can find Carlos on IG @Bobo_Cooks and also online at where you'll find his book + more helpful resources.


EP. 13: Rachel Atcheson

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Rachel Atcheson, she is currently the Deputy Strategist for Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams in NY.

Rachel is an amazing individual, who has dedicated her life to helping animals through multiple lines of work throughout her career.

Rachel approaches her activism in a very calm and compassionate way, and has a gift of shedding light on matters you care about with a whole new perspective, leaving you with a new understanding. This has helped my approach, personally, and I hope after you’ve listened to this, it will help you too!

In this episode we cover:

- Rachels life growing up in the DC area.

- Telling her Dad she’s going vegan.

- Telling her Dad she wants to get a tattoo

- Her Dad opposing both of these ideas, so they make a deal!

- Rachels work for The Humane League.

- Working for NYC Mayor De Blasio.

- How we can be more effective activists.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show.

You can find Rachel on Instagram at @xvxrachel and on Twitter at @r_atcheson


EP. 12: Terence Gerchberg

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Terence Gerchberg, runner, former gambling addict and incredibly kind human.

Terence is a New Yorker through and through. Ana and I were lucky enough to meet him one day whilst eating at The Organic Grill in NYC. We later recorded this podcast in Boston, weeks before our van travels began.

In this episode we cover:

- Terence’s background, life growing up.

- His vivid recollection of the 11th of September 2001./

- Competing in the show ‘The Amazing Race’.

- Life working on Wall Street.

- Developing a gambling addiction that got out of control.

- The role running had to play in his recovery.

- His current work for non profit organization, Back On My Feet.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Terence on Instagram @coachamazing, you can also check out the Back On My Feet organization at


EP. 4: Max La Manna

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks episode, I will be speaking with Zero waste vegan chef, Max La Manna.

We discuss Max's life growing up in Connecticut, the reason for his switch to plant based living and also what it's like to produce zero waste in New York City and how we can all adopt simple daily habits to produce less waste.

Max is currently in London and will be traveling through Europe in the coming months, so be sure to follow him AT eating with max on instagram, facebook and his website.

Hope you enjoy the episode!


EP. 2: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon