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Filtering by Tag: worldofvegan

EP. 54: Michelle Cehn

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Michelle Cehn from World of vegan (

It’s likely that you already follow Michelle’s account on Instagram, if not, please go and check out her pages @vegan & @worldofvegan! The account is full of delicious food and artwork that will pull on your heart strings. With over 1 million followers, Michelle’s work is reaching people around the entire world and helping many to change their lives through a shift in diet. 

We take a deep dive into Michelle’s life, so you’ll hear some of her most personal experiences and also gain some insight into what it takes to create a media platform and make it work full time. 

In this conversation we covered:

  • Michelle's childhood in Oakland.

  • Deciding to go vegetarian at the age of 8.

  • The marketing used by animal agriculture.

  • Starting YouTube over 10 years ago.

  • The Challenges of working for yourself and insight into Michelle's personal journey. 

  • The dangers of a perfectionist mindset and how it is harmful to the vegan movement as a whole.

  • Vegan weddings.

  • Meeting her biological Mother and Father for the first time.

Hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Michelle on multiple platforms, she is after all, the Queen of vegan media!