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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: vegan food

EP. 71: Seth Tibbott

Ana Alarcon

On episode 71 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Seth Tibbott from Tofurky.

In this conversation we covered:

- Seth's upbringing and college days.

- The catalyst for going vegetarian in the 1970's.

- 'The Farm' in Tennessee.

- Making his first batch of Tempeh.

- The first 15 years before the Tofurky moment.

- Creating the first Tofurky Roast.

- The new factory in Hood River, OR.


Hope you enjoy the show!

EP. 10: Aliza Strock

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Aliza Strock, creator of and plant based chef, based out of Melbourne Australia. 

Aliza helps people create amazing plant based food that will get them through the week, with her meal prep service. 

She is also offering a private home cooking service for parties and events that are held at your home. 

In this conversation we cover:

- Growing up just outside of Boston, MA.

- Traveling the world.

- University exchange, teaching English abroad and living in Australia.

- Being in a relationship with a non vegan.

- The challenges of long distance relationships.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the episode. Since recording this podcast in late 2018, Aliza has officially moved to Melbourne, Australia and now does not have to deal with the long distance relationship! So a massive congrats to her and her partner, Ben.

Please make sure to check Aliza out on Instagram @Shaktifresh and also


EP. 2: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon