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EP. 60: Andrea Brown

Ana Alarcon

On episode 60 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Andrea Brown, from @eatwithandy in Williamsburg, NY.

It was great to catch up with an Aussie in the Big Apple. We had an awesome conversation and I hope you enjoy tuning in!

In this conversation we covered:

- Andrea's life growing up in Western Australia.

- Experiencing health problems in her 20's.

- How the book 'Skinny Bitch' changed her life.

- Climate change, the government and making personal changes to make a positive impact.

- Contraceptive medication.

- Mental Health.


You can find Andrea on IG @eatwithandy, go and say hi, let her know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!

In this episode I mentioned a book called ‘Lost Connections’ by Johann Hari. You can find it here.