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Filtering by Tag: I'm not vegan

EP. 61: Andy "Noa" De La Rosa

Ana Alarcon

On episode 61 of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we chat with Andy 'Noa' De La Rosa, from the viral video "I AM NOT VEGAN".

It was so great to connect with Andy in The Bronx in my last few hours before leaving NYC. I'm truly grateful for the time he gave up and for sharing his story with us.

In this conversation we covered:

- Andy's life growing up in The Bronx, NYC.

- Doing anything he could to skips Mom's home cooked meals to eat out.

- Going through depression and lack of fulfillment in his life.

- Finding Dr. Sebi through a hip hop website.

- Making the video "I AM NOT VEGAN" with his friend and comedian Radel Ortiz.

- Poetry and rapping being a big part of his life and how it all started.


You can find Andy on IG, go and say hi, let him know what you thought of our chat today and we'll catch you next week for another episode!