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Episodes English

EP. 13: Rachel Atcheson

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Rachel Atcheson, she is currently the Deputy Strategist for Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams in NY.

Rachel is an amazing individual, who has dedicated her life to helping animals through multiple lines of work throughout her career.

Rachel approaches her activism in a very calm and compassionate way, and has a gift of shedding light on matters you care about with a whole new perspective, leaving you with a new understanding. This has helped my approach, personally, and I hope after you’ve listened to this, it will help you too!

In this episode we cover:

- Rachels life growing up in the DC area.

- Telling her Dad she’s going vegan.

- Telling her Dad she wants to get a tattoo

- Her Dad opposing both of these ideas, so they make a deal!

- Rachels work for The Humane League.

- Working for NYC Mayor De Blasio.

- How we can be more effective activists.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show.

You can find Rachel on Instagram at @xvxrachel and on Twitter at @r_atcheson


EP. 12: Terence Gerchberg

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Terence Gerchberg, runner, former gambling addict and incredibly kind human.

Terence is a New Yorker through and through. Ana and I were lucky enough to meet him one day whilst eating at The Organic Grill in NYC. We later recorded this podcast in Boston, weeks before our van travels began.

In this episode we cover:

- Terence’s background, life growing up.

- His vivid recollection of the 11th of September 2001./

- Competing in the show ‘The Amazing Race’.

- Life working on Wall Street.

- Developing a gambling addiction that got out of control.

- The role running had to play in his recovery.

- His current work for non profit organization, Back On My Feet.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Terence on Instagram @coachamazing, you can also check out the Back On My Feet organization at


EP. 11: Tanya O'Callaghan

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Irish musician, Tanya O’Callaghan.

Tanya is an amazing human being! She has been an activist for animals from a very young age, which blew me away, making the connection before your 5th birthday and having the confidence to stick by your decision is something special. 

In addition to Tanya's tireless dedication to animals, she is a professional bass player, currently touring with ex Guns N Roses drummer Steven Adler.

In this episode we cover:

- Tanya’s life growing up in Ireland.

- Making the connection between whats’ on your plate and the animals at 5 years old.

- Speaking up for animals every chance she gets.

- Her journey to becoming a professional touring bassist.

- Moving to LA.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show. You can find Tanya on Instagram at @tanyaocallaghan_official and @highwaytohealthofficial. Her website is


EP. 10: Aliza Strock

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Aliza Strock, creator of and plant based chef, based out of Melbourne Australia. 

Aliza helps people create amazing plant based food that will get them through the week, with her meal prep service. 

She is also offering a private home cooking service for parties and events that are held at your home. 

In this conversation we cover:

- Growing up just outside of Boston, MA.

- Traveling the world.

- University exchange, teaching English abroad and living in Australia.

- Being in a relationship with a non vegan.

- The challenges of long distance relationships.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the episode. Since recording this podcast in late 2018, Aliza has officially moved to Melbourne, Australia and now does not have to deal with the long distance relationship! So a massive congrats to her and her partner, Ben.

Please make sure to check Aliza out on Instagram @Shaktifresh and also


EP. 9: David Benzaquen

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks episode, I was lucky enough to get some time with the CEO of Ocean Hugger Foods and also Plant Based Solutions, David Benzaquen.

Over the past couple of decades David has evolved from a young vegetarian at the family dinner table to a CEO re-shaping our food industry.

I hope you enjoy the podcast and I promise you'll hear more about the problems with today's fishing industry and how David's company is providing a delicious solution!


EP. 8: Garrett Kenyon

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is professional distance runner Garrett Kenyon.

He's a fantastic dude and we dig much deeper than just his running career to date.

We speak about his balance of Music, athletics and academics at University in Omaha, Nebraska.

Struggles with his college when adopting a whole foods plant based diet.

Activism on campus and continuing that on his travels.

Living in line with his values and also living minimally.

Hope you enjoy it guys, see you on the other side!


EP. 7: Bobby Nagelberg

Ana Alarcon

This week on The VedgeTalk Podcast, I speak with brain cancer survivor and owner of Pleasant Petites, Bobby Nagelberg.

We chatted at his place on Long Island, New York about being diagnosed with brain cancer at 21 and what his experience was like throughout that battle.

Bobby went through some extremely challenging times over a 3 year span. We will hear about his experience with the modern day medical system, how he

managed to clear the remaining brain tumor after surgery and why he started a raw dessert company!


EP. 6: Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Ana Alarcon

In this weeks episode of The VedgeTalk Podcast we sit down with Dr Joel Fuhrman.

Dr Fuhrman is a family physician, specializing in nutrition and has been practicing for over 30 years.

He is currently 64 years of age and there is no doubt that his nutritarian lifestyle and regular exercise have a big part to play in his health. Truly a living example of the power of Whole Foods.

We cover a range of topics in this episode, from mental illness to athletes adopting a WFPB diet.

It was amazing to see how passionate Dr Fuhrman is about improving people's health and to hear some stories from over the years.

Hope you enjoy the episode!


EP. 5: Edna & Nelson

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks special episode of The VedgeTalk Podcast , we speak with Nelson Costa and Edna Guevarra.

They are two plant powered athletes, Edna is an ultra marathoner and Nelson is an ironman triathlete.

We recorded this podcast 100% on the fly, after Vlad, the owner of organic grill connected us.

The restaurant turned into a podcast studio so please bare with me if the audio is not up to usual standard.

It was an opportunity I couldn't turn down, was a lot of fun and connected me with two amazing humans.

After our chat, Nelson challenged me to an 18 mile race in Central Park next month, basically gives me a month to train.

Im all in and registered! Will keep you all updated on my progress through the Instagram page.

Lets get started! Hope you enjoy the episode.


EP. 4: Max La Manna

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks episode, I will be speaking with Zero waste vegan chef, Max La Manna.

We discuss Max's life growing up in Connecticut, the reason for his switch to plant based living and also what it's like to produce zero waste in New York City and how we can all adopt simple daily habits to produce less waste.

Max is currently in London and will be traveling through Europe in the coming months, so be sure to follow him AT eating with max on instagram, facebook and his website.

Hope you enjoy the episode!


EP. 3: Ana Alarcon

Ana Alarcon

Hello my veggie mates!

On this weeks episode, we sit down with my incredible partner in crime, Ana Alarcon.

She shares her life story with us and we discuss the important topics of female body image and eating disorders.

Later in the episode we hear about some of Ana's most difficult struggles.

Life has not been easy for her in the past few years, and these stories are ones she rarely shares.

This conversation in one very close to my heart and I hope you enjoy it.


EP. 2: Carlos Bobadilla

Ana Alarcon

EP. 1: Pat McAuley

Ana Alarcon

On this week's episode of The VedgeTalk Podcast, we'll be hanging out with Pat McAuley. Pat is an entrepreneur from the South Shore of Massachusetts and is about to open the first plant based beer hall in the USA. We talk about Pat's journey and how a change in his diet has become his secret weapon.