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EP. 5: Edna & Nelson

Ana Alarcon

On this weeks special episode of The VedgeTalk Podcast , we speak with Nelson Costa and Edna Guevarra.

They are two plant powered athletes, Edna is an ultra marathoner and Nelson is an ironman triathlete.

We recorded this podcast 100% on the fly, after Vlad, the owner of organic grill connected us.

The restaurant turned into a podcast studio so please bare with me if the audio is not up to usual standard.

It was an opportunity I couldn't turn down, was a lot of fun and connected me with two amazing humans.

After our chat, Nelson challenged me to an 18 mile race in Central Park next month, basically gives me a month to train.

Im all in and registered! Will keep you all updated on my progress through the Instagram page.

Lets get started! Hope you enjoy the episode.