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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: animal rights

EP. 17: Peter & Jenny McQueen

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Peter and Jenny McQueen, an amazing couple from Toronto, Canada who have dedicated their lives to speaking up for animals who are exploited by humans for their flesh, by products and skin.

Ana and I stayed with them whilst we were in Toronto and were so grateful for their amazing hospitality during a very cold few days in Toronto! They are two of the nicest humans we have met, and it’s been a highlight of our time on the road. 

During our stay, Jenny suggested that we attend a cow save vigil in Toronto. This will forever be something burned into mine and Ana’s memory. An experience I think all people can learn from just by watching. Experiencing the sounds, smells and exchanging eye contact with these animals is powerful and something a video cannot provide. We later attended a pig save event in Burlington ON two days later. It’s not a warm and fuzzy experience, however it is only a couple of hours out of our day, to bare witness and see these animals in their last moments.

In this conversation we cover:

- Peter’s background, growing up in Ontario, Canada.

- Jenny’s background, growing up in Liverpool, England.

- How they both met.

- Peter’s decision to go vegetarian.

- Jenny’s work growing the animal activist scene in the UK.

- What it was like for Jenny to move from Liverpool to Toronto.

- The ongoing court case for saving a pig.

+ More!

 A big thank you to Jenny and Peter for having us and for coming on the show! I hope you enjoy the conversation.

You can find them on Instagram at @peaceful.peter and @jennyveganmcqueen


EP. 13: Rachel Atcheson

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Rachel Atcheson, she is currently the Deputy Strategist for Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams in NY.

Rachel is an amazing individual, who has dedicated her life to helping animals through multiple lines of work throughout her career.

Rachel approaches her activism in a very calm and compassionate way, and has a gift of shedding light on matters you care about with a whole new perspective, leaving you with a new understanding. This has helped my approach, personally, and I hope after you’ve listened to this, it will help you too!

In this episode we cover:

- Rachels life growing up in the DC area.

- Telling her Dad she’s going vegan.

- Telling her Dad she wants to get a tattoo

- Her Dad opposing both of these ideas, so they make a deal!

- Rachels work for The Humane League.

- Working for NYC Mayor De Blasio.

- How we can be more effective activists.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show.

You can find Rachel on Instagram at @xvxrachel and on Twitter at @r_atcheson