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EP. 28: Mike Case

Episodes English

EP. 28: Mike Case

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Mike Case, English personal trainer and plant eater, AKA Vegainz Coach.

Mike is based in Sydney, Australia, after living in Melbourne for a number of years. We caught up with Mike at my family home in the south east suburbs of Melbourne for a chat. 

If you have been following Mike for a while, you may expect this to be all strength and fitness. However we go much deeper than that. 

In this episode we cover:

- Mikes background in the UK

- How he decided to live in Australia.

- Self development.

- Travel

- What’s best for our bodies in terms of nutrition and exercise.

- The world seed bank in the arctic circle!

+ Much more!

I hope you enjoy destroying some myths with Mike and I today!

You can find Mike on Instagram @vegainzcoach and also at

He is a fantastic resource if you’re looking to nail your fitness and nutrition goals, you do not have to reside in Australia to work with him!
