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Filtering by Tag: amie hamlin

EP. 16: Amie Hamlin

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Amie Hamlin from The Coalition For Healthy School Food.

Amie has helped to educate children, parents and teachers about healthy plant based food and the benefits it has on our health and environment. 

In addition school admin are able to learn about the benefits healthy nutrition has on the students' focus, attendance and grades! 

In this episode we cover:

- Amie’s Background.

- The Coalition For Healthy School Food Program.

- How we can educate children, parents and staff of the benefits a plant based diet can have.

- Dairy in schools.

- The effect of nutrition on focus, attendance and grades.

- Raising her daughter vegan.

+ More!

I hope you all enjoy the show.

You can find The Coalition For Healthy School Food online at