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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: wholefoodplantbased

EP. 23: Dr. Angie Sadeghi

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Dr. Angie Sadeghi.

Dr. Angie is a gastroenterologist based in the OC area of California, originally from Iran, her and her family immigrated here when she was young. After firstly going vegetarian, Angies eyes were opened up to the power of a plant based diet, and she quickly incorporated this into her practice, also diving deep into the literature to learn as much as she could, so she could treat and heal her patients.

In this episode we cover:

- Angie’s background.

- How she became a gastroenterologist.


- IBS.

- C.Diff.

- Why humans shouldn’t consume dairy products.

- The importance of fiber.

- Protein powders.

+Much more!

Thank you to Angie for giving up the time to come on the show, I really enjoyed learning from her, I hope you are able to come away from this episode with a better understanding of what our gut needs to function healthily!

You can find Dr. Angie on Instagram @angie.sadeghi and also at  


EP. 18: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr AKA ‘Essy’. He is the trail blazing pioneer (or one of) of the whole food plant based movement.

Ana and I were driving through Cleveland on Thanksgiving 2018, which is a time of year all of the Esselstyn’s get together for family time and eat delicious plant food!

We were lucky enough to get some time with Ann and Essy the day after to record this podcast and also have an amazing lunch which Ann created. Their daughter Jane also stopped by!

Honestly this was a pretty cool moment for me personally. Back in 2016 when I decided to make the switch to a plant based diet, it was he and Dr. T Colin Campbell, exercising at over 80 years of age and still working that showed me this was the way to go.

In this episode we cover:

- Dr. Esselstyn’s background.

- Winning a gold medal at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne.

- His years in the field of medicine.

- What made him interested in cardiovascular disease.

- Why humans get heart disease.

- How we can end heart disease, through diet and lifestyle intervention.

- Healthcare or sick care?

+ More!

I hope you enjoy this episode. It was an honor to sit down with a man who has changed so many lives and continues to spread this incredible message at 85 years old.

You can find Dr. Esselstyn on Instagram @dresselstyn and at