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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: tinyliving

EP. 24: Hannah & Derek Howlett

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guests are Hannah and Derek Howlett, they are well known for their work ‘High Carb Hannah’ and ‘Handeeman’. 

If you follow Hannah and Derek on YouTube, you already know they have built an awesome off grid Tiny Home in Arizona with rain water catchment and solar set up. Since recording the show, Derek has added thousands of gallons more water storage and also finished a massive garage project that was half done when I visited.

In today’s conversation we cover:

- Their reasons for choosing a vegan lifestyle.

- Why they decided to live in a tiny home.

- Minimal living.

- The challenges of living together in a tiny home.

- How they can financially support themselves from online work.

- Making sound financial decisions.

- Their experience with Psychedelics!

+ More!

I hope you enjoy this episode.

You can find Hannah at @highcarbhannah on Instagram and YouTube, she also has a website

Derek can be found at @handeeman_ on Instagram and YouTube.