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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: smithanddeli

EP. 30: Shannon Martinez

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Shannon Martinez, Australian chef, author and TV personality from Melbourne, Australia.

She is someone who has dedicated over a decade of her life to making vegan food insanely delicious and more importantly, food that everyone is going to rave about. She is succeeding in a massive way. She has opened Smith and Daughters, Smith and Deli, released two cook books and Shannon recently featured on one of Australia’s most popular TV shows, My Kitchen rules as the celebrity chef.

The first location, Smith & Daughters which offers dinner throughout the week and brunch on weekends was nominated as the best purely vegan restaurant in the world and 3rd best on a list of vegan friendly restaurants. This was a recent vote from over 1.5 million ‘big 7 travel’ readers.

In this episode we cover:

- More on her upbringing in Australia.

- Her big decision between music and food as a career.

- How she became a chef dedicated to vegan food.

- Why a traditional eduction in cooking is her superpower.

- Not being a vegan herself.

- The Smith & Daughters story and more!

Hope you enjoy the show.

You can find Shannon online at @shannon_martinez on Instagram and at where you can purchase their famous cookbooks, clothing, pins and stickers! 
