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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: rawrecipes

EP. 29: Yoko Inoue

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Yoko Inoue, Australian raw vegan chef, business owner and incredible human being!

Yoko grew up in Japan and at the age of just 15 years old moved to New Zealand on her own. She learned English, and also started to cook more in her new home country as she had more time outside of school compared to when living in Japan. 

Between cooking her first lamb roast in New Zealand and now, her life has taken many twists and turns. 

In this conversation we chat about:

- What it was like growing up in Japan.

- Moving to New Zealand on her own, at 15 years old.

- Major career change.

- The birth of her daughter, Layla.

- Experiencing a serious health scare and switching to a mainly raw diet.

- Opening a successful restaurant in an extremely competitive city.

+ Much more!

I have to send a huge thank you to Yoko, because you’re about to hear more of her story than she is usually willing to share. I hope you enjoy our conversation today!

You can find Yoko on Instagram @inoue.yoko and @shokuiku. The restaurant website is and her podcast is called ‘Wellness Foodie’. Go and say hi to Yoko and let her know what you thought about our conversation!
