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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: pamahern

EP. 31: Pam Ahern

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Pam Ahern, the founder of Edgars Mission Farm Sanctuary, located outside of Melbourne, Australia. 

Pam and her team are some of the greatest champions for animals in the world, and it was an absolute honor to share her own personal story as well as the story of the sanctuary. 

In this episode we cover:

- Pam's childhood

- Starting a cat and dog rescue at an early age with her Mum.

- Her successful equestrian career

- Bringing Edgar Alan Pig into her life in 2003

- Starting Edgars Mission and getting outside her comfort zone

- An amazing story about a couple of rescued pregnant dairy cows. Clara Bell & Daphne. 

- The Cooking with kindness cookbook

- Impact the sanctuary has had on the local community!

+ Much more!

I hope you enjoy the show.

You can find some extremely uplifting content on their Instagram page @edgarsmission and their website where they have an awesome cook book available, ‘Cooking With Kindness’. 
