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Episodes English

Filtering by Tag: creative

EP. 21: Collin Blaney

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Collin Blaney, photographer, videographer and traveler from San Francisco, CA.

I met up with Collin in 2017 whilst on a work layover in Iceland, he was on a trip that you will hear about in this episode and we started chatting about veganism, before hearing more about their trip through Iceland and the Faroe Islands. We stayed in touch and he has helped me to develop my skills with photography whilst absolutely crushing it himself. 

Collin is currently growing his Instagram following, producing incredible images, traveling the USA and the world and collaborating with more companies who demand his skills for their brand.

In this conversation we cover:

- Collin’s background, growing up in CA.

- Why he left college before graduating.

- Making money by flipping houses.

- When he got into photography.

- Nikon, Canon or Sony?

- Making this his business.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy this episode.

You can find Collin on Instagram @collincreates and also at