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EP. 22: Jacky Wasserman

Episodes English

EP. 22: Jacky Wasserman

Ana Alarcon

This weeks game changing guest is Jacky Wasserman, founder of vegan clothing company BeetxBeet, based out of Los Angeles, CA.

This was our first day in Los Angeles, and I don’t think we could have spent the time any better. Jacky was an amazing guest and I think you will really enjoy her story from growing up in Atlanta to owning an apparel company in Los Angeles. 

In this episode we cover:

- Jacky’s life growing up in Atlanta, GA.

- Experiencing the world of design though multiple jobs.

- Entering and winning a competition that was run by Obey’s Shepherd Fairy.

- Going vegan in America’s Deep South.

- Packing up everything into her Honda Civic and moving to LA.

- Deciding to leave her well paid job with benefits behind.

- The BeetxBeet journey.

+ More!

I hope you enjoy the show!

You can find Jacky online @beetxbeet on Instagram and at, they’ve got awesome vegan clothing, go check it out!